Thursday, July 9, 2015

My pick of the Top 10 Startups of the ChallengeUP IoT Accelerator

Paul Chen

Throughout this week at the Hubraum facility in Krakow, startup teams have been receiving valuable mentorship from experienced professionals from Twitter, Cisco, Intel, and Deutsche Telekom.  In general, the mentors are quite impressed by the maturity of this batch of startups.

Min-Kin Mak, Head of hub:raum Berlin was also impressed by their creativity. Throughout today and tomorrow, the startups will be making their pitches to executives and partners of the particitants of the ChallengeUp Accelerator in a closed session. Before tomorrow’s evening, we will know which 12 startups will advance on to the six months of intense mentoring in various European locations. The selected startups will talk to Deutsche Telekom, Cisco, and Intel about future steps over the weekend. The other 12 will not leave Krakow empty-handed. They will go home with some homework to make their value proposition even stronger as well as some wonderful connections in the industry. Everything will culminate in a sort of demo day/ pitch-off at a major tech conference in London this December.  The conference has yet to be decided.

Here is my TOP TEN from the batch of 24 startups in no particular order.

Semseye - A solution, built on the most advanced algorithms for intelligent video processing, provides the opportunity to increase efficiency in any retail business area. - IoT web platform that gathers data, summarises it and gives you the possibility to remotely control your connected devices.

Admetsys - a first-of-its-kind artificial pancreas for hospital and surgical care, leveraging adaptive learning algorithms and counterbalancing treatment of insulin and glucose.

Oort - A technology based on intelligent devices that lets you control your whole living environment with a single app. It’s simple, universal and created to bring comfort & peace of mind for its users.

Tag2Sense - Custom-Designed sensors are able to sense environmental factors such as temperature, light, humidity, barometric pressure, vibration, shocks and location. It transmits this data in near real-time providing an essential picture of what’s happening inside of the shipment.

Senic - Nuimo: a programmable controller for your computer and connected devices.

Waylay - helps companies with remote machinery and devices to increase operational efficiency and build a service business model.

M2MGO - IoT-Application platform is designed to drive the progress and innovation of the IoT solutions! M2MGO features all components needed for creating a professional, state of the art IoT application.

PalleTech - connects cargo, warehouse and fleet information through smart pallets and an Industrial Internet of Things platform.

N-Join - Transforms any factory into a smart factory, increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impact in the process.

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