Monday, July 27, 2015

ContentFarm will help your Startup Go Global

Paul Chen

When a startup launches, their first landing page will likely be in their native language. However, when they want to go global, they will likely choose English as their international language of choice. In a previous blog post, I advised against this. It is my opinion that your startup’s landing page should be in English from day one.

Some of the English I’ve seen on the landing pages of startups who say that they want to go international are God awful. It felt like they took their native content and just used Google Translate. If a customer or investor comes to your landing page and sees that, they are going to know something about your startup. Before you publish anything, you should employ a wonderfully communicative native speaker who understands technology and business.

ContentFarm is looking to solve this issue. They are offering content editing and proofreading services so you sound good to a native speaking customer. They will take what you have created and fine tune the language so it will sound natural with the right mix of technical language and colloquialisms. Businesses often miss this step. As a result, the content ends up sounding dry, textbook-ish, and a drag to read. With ContentFarm’s help, the language of your landing page will be easily digestible.  

Many businesses would agree that content and inbound marketing are essential parts of a firm’s business development. You want to deliver the right content at the right time to establish your brand’s authority and credibility in the sector. Having good content will also help bring readers and possible customers back to your website repeatedly. Furthermore, having a good amount of content on your page will improve your SEO and in turn helping your brand establish a strong online presence.

There are many ways to do it. You may crowd-source your content the way Brainly does it. However, for their business model it is the right fit for them. You can try to do it in-house where you hire an army of community managers to respond to inquiries and write posts about the latest development and use cases of your product like Estimote. Third option is to write your own and if English isn’t your native language just get a translator. Well, you know how I feel about that. There are many fine translators out there, but they often miss the mark on the natural flow of the language. The fourth option is to hire a freelancer. There are many fine freelance writers out there, however, in many markets especially in Poland, there aren’t many who understand startups and technology.

ContentFarm will solve that problem as well. They have a wonderful writer familiar to you who understands the startup business and technology. If you had been curious enough to click to the link before your got to this point, you will have noticed that I am that professional. I am pitching my services to startups and even some SMEs to help their business go global. Along with the previously mentioned services, I also offer consultation and act as an interpreter if you have entered a startup competition and they want to do a conference call with you. I have helped a local startup get into the final round of a major startup festival in San Francisco. I do all this with a reasonable rate. This Thursday, I will be at the TechCrunch meetup in Krakow. If you can’t make it, you can contact me in all the usual places. How can I help your business build bridges?

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23.  If you haven’t done it already, please like my Facebook fan page by clicking here!  See you next time!

1 comment:

  1. Research manuscript writing involves a lot of honest efforts and editing & proofreading of the manuscript is very essential to ensure the essence of the research is conveyed efficiently. A well-written, error-free research manuscript is reader-friendly and it also impress the journal reviewers in the first attempt, and genuinely improves the chances of acceptance for publication. english editing and proofreading services
