Thursday, December 17, 2015

Social network for Polish students that is doing better than LinkedIn and FaceBook

Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are not solving student and graduate problems.

Damian Słuja created, a social network for students and graduates, where they can connect with prospective employers.

There is no such a service for students and graduates!

Damian Słuja attended a conference in 2011 for international student organizations and it was here that Damian realized that there was not one social networking that is focused around important student affairs, event and resources. Moreover there was not one platform to connect student entrepreneurs and university graduates together with prospective employers.

Damian, with his friend Rafal, prepared the initial conception of the social network and pitched the idea at the Krakow startup event, Hive53 Boat Swarm, in 2012, where he met Ian Scarffe, an entrepreneur and an expert in the methods of Lean Startup, who liked the original idea, and joined together to develop the original concept into a working prototype.

Students find employers, and employers find students!

Since the original concept, the team has grown to more than thirteen employees, including: Ruby on Rails programmers, graphic designers, and specialists in sales and marketing, ambassador’s and student volunteers.  

Together, they are working on building BaseConnect as a student and graduate community portal, through which students and university graduates can connect, search and view resources, join student organizations, as well as apply for internships, jobs and review information about possible employers.

According to Damian Słuja, some small to medium companies do not realize the potential and scope of attracting the interest of young professionals. “BaseConnect has the tools to support and create employer branding pages as well as assisting in maintaining the image of companies in the eyes of student and graduates.”

In the fierce talent acquisition wars, companies must attract, develop and retain a highly diversified global pool of talent in their specific industries. Companies need structure, cultures and practices that stimulate diversity and enable the development of each individual employee. BaseConnect provides an ecosystem of all these elements in one place  - Damian says.

An Investor who can add ‘portfolio’ value

BaseConnect brings together twenty-three of the largest universities in Poland and cooperates with more than twenty career offices in Krakow, two hundred and twenty-five student organizations and clubs, as well as over 900 corporations.

Damian Słuja explains that the currently goal is to monetize the platform both in Krakow and other Polish cities, and look to Polish investors. “We intend to source specific investors who can add true value and who has the experience in scaling such portals within Europe and internationally.”

Capital to scale business abroad

We intend to scale the business within Poland and the cities across Poland, after which time we will continue to monetize the portal and provide value to employees seeking students and graduates. Our ultimate goal is ‘global domination’. We want to deliver real value for our base of users: students and graduates - says Damian Słuja.

Author:   Adam Sawicki

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