Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Polish Programming Pros sets up Coding bootcamp for Girls

Paul Chen

Krakow - Last Friday and Saturday May 15-16, 2015, the HubRaum office in Krakow was overrun by an invasion of young girls.  No, it was not a chance to have a Google Hangout with Taylor Swift, although it would be pretty cool.  The reason of this female occupation was to learn how to code, more specifically how to code in Ruby.  This third edition of the coding bootcamp, Rails Girls Krakow, was organized by WebMuses, a local organization that runs workshops and events to promote female participation in technology and tech-related occupations.

I dropped by for a look and these girls were totally into it.  The look of concentration and focus on these girls’ faces were one of wonder and determination.  

I had a talk with some of the participants:

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I have learned how to create a simple page in HTML and I am keen on seeing what else I can do

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I hope to start programming professionally in the long term.  For now, I would love to create some projects for myself.

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I learned the basics in Ruby and HTML and how to create my own webpage.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I hope to create a cool webpage all by myself!

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

Ruby seems so pleasant and easy to read.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I work as a Front-end dev and hope that understanding a bit of the back-end will be useful.

Laura (Coach from Finland)
Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I have learned to explain more slowly and to use more visual aids.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I am hoping to be able to learn how to be a better coach.

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I’ve learned how to creat a web app by myself.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I would like to be a professional programmer.

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I’ve learned the basics of Ruby and CSS and how to navigate everything.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I hope this will be the beginning of a new chapter of my life.

Can you tell me something you have learned so far?

I learned how to make a simple website in 5 minutes.

What do you hope to do with the knowledge you have gained this weekend?

I hope the knowledge will help me start my own startup project.

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