Monday, November 30, 2015

Poland's COOLOMAT wants to transform e-commerce of food products

Thanks to effective R&D by the Slovenian-Polish team from Coolomat which was funded from investments of KPT seed fund, there will be a more convenient to do grocery shopping over the Internet. Coolomat stands were rolled out in Warsaw last week.
COOLOMAT is a “food automat” for collecting food products purchased on the Web. The first of such machines will be available soon. Coolomat will act as the technology partner in cooperation with a network of Alma supermarkets. As a result, the market will soon debut a groundbreaking project called Alma24, which could change the face of Polish e-commerce.

How does COOLOMAT work? - Food ordered by the customer can be collected within a few hours. Each terminal box are suitable for storage of products at temperatures as low as minus 20 degrees C. As a result, it will enable the safe execution of orders with frozen and refrigerated products -  says Marcin Warzocha, CEO of Coolomat. - Coolomat will be a breakthrough in e-grocery. As the first in Poland, it is no longer a concept, but an actual solution. The production of equipment has started, and the installation of the first group of Coolomats will begin in the near future -  adds M. Warzocha.

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Friday, November 6, 2015

Why Startups should Embrace Tech Bloggers

Paul Chen

Hello there entrepreneurs. So, congratulations on launching your new startup! How's it going? I'm sure it's going great. Now, are you ready to tell the world about your awesome project?  I'm sure you are, so how do you do that? You probably are very busy developing your MVP and talking to customers, and you might not have enough money to hire a marketing person. Sure, you would like to get your name up in lights and on the pages of Forbes, TechCrunch, Mashables, and others. The problem is you probably don't know anybody who writes for any of those publications. What do you do? Well a good way to get your name out there is to make friends with a tech blogger. And what are the benefits? Let's take a look:

Easier Access

OK, so one of the reasons why tech bloggers are great is that they are relatively easy to have access to. Most likely you probably don't know people like John Biggs, Mike Butcher, Jordan Cooke, Robin Wauters, or Kara Swisher. These writers are usually very busy and they get pitched by hundreds of emails and in person all the time. Most likely if you attend a lot of startup events, you will see tech bloggers pretty easily. They usually have the media credentials and they're relatively easy to approach and happy to talk to you, so why not go up to them and introduce yourself!

Start a web presence

Another reason why you should get to know a blogger is that if you get them to like what you do and you as a person then they will most likely write a blog post about your startup. The good thing about that is you will start to have a web presence and that is really important for the very beginning of your startup. Why? With a web presence, you get to use lot of the social media CRM for analytics and monitoring. For example, Brand24  from Wroclaw run by my good friend Michal Sadowski, will let you know who is talking about your startup on the internet and that can be quite valuable. Another social media CRM is a Brand Embassy from the Czech Republic and they are good for helping you provide customer service to make your customers happy.

Another reason to have a web presence is you will be able to attract the attention from my more popular or more famous tech writers. They will have seen you talked about by someone they trust. This trust cannot be bought, it has to be earned.

Get early leads

Oh, one of the things about getting a blogger to write a blog post about you is that you are able to generate early leads for your start up and those lead is worth its weight in gold. With those leads you can start a relationship with those potential customers. If you don't have a lot of money to spend on lead generating services, this can be a good shortcut. For example, I published a piece about Rombo Games and based on the social media response, I got a lot of interest towards their games. As a result, Rombo Games can really benefit from knowing who were asking me about them.

Advice: Reciprocate the love

One big piece of advice about your interactions with tech bloggers. Don’t go to them thinking, oh this is a good way to get free and easy publicity. If you just go up to them and say, “oh I see you are a blogger so write a blog post about my startup”, they will tell you where to go. Get to know them, treat them like a person. They have needs and feelings. A lot of them are doing this for free or they don't earn a lot of money for it at all. They can write about a billion of other startups, not just yours. So a good thing to do is to reciprocate the love. One of them is to give them free swag. Another one is to allow them access to you, even if you become really successful. They might even help you generate content for your content marketing campaign (paid).  And sometimes one of those tech bloggers might become successful like Kara Swisher and if you show them enough love in the beginning they are more likely to help you get connected to other tech writers or major publications. Showing some appreciation during the beginning phases of your relationship could result in good karma exponentially. Anyway, it's good PR.

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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Google Campus Warsaw and Innovation Nest announce their first joint program with a tailor-made Startup Accelerator: Growth!

Paul Chen

Google Campuses are popping up in all of the major global tech hubs. There are Campuses in London, Tel Aviv, and Seoul. What many people don’t know is that there is one in Warsaw as well. It is located in an old vodka factory, Praga Koneser Center. They will open their doors later this month. They are eager to work with many of the local Polish Entrepreneurs, VCs, and government as well as people from other CEE countries.  In the beginning of 2016, the space will be alive with their first accelerator program, Growth. Campus Warsaw is co-organizing the program with Innovation Nest.

Innovation Nest is the official knowledge partner of Campus Warsaw analogous to what Seedcamp is for Campus London. Growth!, the accelerator is the first program that they are doing as a joint activity with Campus. There will be many other joint programs such as the Spin Entrepreneurship School, and meet-ups for founders. Previous such meet-ups organized by Innovation Nest were about sales, recruitment, and marketing technology.

I had a chance to talk to Adam Komarnicki, the investment manager of Innovation Nest to talk about the program.

With so many VCs in Poland, why do you feel Campus Warsaw chose Innovation Nest as its first to cooperate with?

This question probably should be directed at Google but I believe that there is a cultural fit between both organizations. They liked our vision that we look beyond Poland and the fact that we are already taking our startups to Silicon Valley. And I believe the fact that we are already quite experienced in running acceleration programs was also an important factor contributing to their decision.

What do you hope to learn from this partnership?

First of all Google is a great brand to work with. It's a very efficient and professional organization. We hope this relationship will help us become more visible within the startup ecosystems in Central Eastern Europe and we will be more credible as a partner for other European and American investors. Google also has a great network of mentors which we can involve in our other projects too.. Finally, as we get more connected there should be better opportunities for quality deal flow for our fund.

How do you feel Campus will add value to the Polish startup community?

First of all, there will be one place for people to meet which is very much needed in Warsaw. Campus will offer a very open environment for everybody and thus promote the Silicon Valley Pay-It-Forward culture . I also expect it will be inclusive and welcoming to people who are not yet involved in the startup community but may want to take part in the future. I also strongly believe that Campus Warsaw will help to make the Polish startup ecosystem more international. It will put Poland firmly on the map of European startup ecosystems, hopefully working as a hub for founders from our neighboring countries.

In the accelerator, Growth, Why only B2B startups? Why only SaaS?

We are focusing on B2B startups because it is something that, as a fund we have much experience with and we are building our competences around that market. Besides, a large number of startups in Poland are SaaS in nature, according to a survey by Startup Poland.. For the program, we would like to particularly invite startups that specialize in SaaS and Internet of Things because that is the specialization and preference of two of our partners. Marcin Szelag is one of the top VCs in Europe in SaaS and Marek is getting increasingly involved in the emerging IoT market. It helps a lot that Marek is an engineer by trade and better understands technology (hardware!) and market challenges in that space . We are however open to other models and markets - being B2B and having revenue are the only firm requirements to join the program.  

Other European accelerators might talk about revenue, you chose to focus on growth, why?

When we talk about growth for B2B startups, the most important factor is in fact revenue, with other metrics playing a supporting role. Perhaps the difference from other accelerators is that growth is our main focus while other accelerators have broader programs and wider set of objectives.

People from Silicon Valley often criticize European startups for too much emphasis on revenue, how would you react to that?

I am not sure if this is really the case. We believe revenue is the best indicator that they are making something people want. Perhaps in non B2B startups revenue can come later and there are many examples for that, particularly in social media like Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram. In B2B, if a startup is making something valuable, businesses will pay for that.

What kinds of infrastructure are available to startups at Campus Warsaw?

The facilities Campus Warsaw available are a well stocked café, co-working space for founders, and conference rooms for meetings and other events. However, the most important is the access to the top tech professionals with many years of experience.

Other than talking to world class mentors, what makes Growth different from other accelerators?

Whilst most accelerators take startups pre-revenue or even pre-product, we are focused on later stage companies that already have first paying customers. Because of that we e chose to have a lighter format of the program, which means there is no need for founders to move to Warsaw, which we know can be difficult for startups at that stage. Of course founders can still can take full advantage of the program being in Warsaw part-time and going back home between sessions to their teammates and family. Another differentiator of Growth is that we take no equity up front for participation in the program. What we do ask for instead is the right to a discount on valuation in their next funding round, if we decide to invest. That way the objectives of the founders and ourselves are well aligned.

On the website you said you haven’t announced the list of mentors, why?

We have a vast network of mentors (over 50, mostly in SV) that we have built strong relationships with, as well as access to professionals from Google. Yes, we could have included the whole long list with pretty pictures however, we did not want to put all the names on the website now as it would have been too generic. What we are going to do instead is to carefully select mentors with the most relevant experience and skills to the problem that the selected startups face. Basically the point is that our selection process not only involves the startups, but but the mentors as well. We are constantly talking to top people and the enthusiasm from potential mentors so far is very good. People are really happy to participate and can’t wait to see the startups that will get admitted to the program.

Sometimes startups choose accelerators because of the network of mentors, so what can you tell about where the mentors are from?

Most of mentors from our network are based in the US and will be available for Skype. When teams travel to SV they will be able to meet them face to face. We will also definitely have local mentors available for help at the Campus too. We are already coordinating calendars, it will be awesome!

Every startup chosen will be eligible to participate in the London and Silicon Valley trip right? Who can startups expect to meet in silicon Valley and London?

Yes, all the startups will be able to go. We already make such trips to Silicon Valley with our portfolio startups and it’s working really well. One such group will be going in November and another in January. The founders will go to Silicon Valley to meet potential clients, mentors and perhaps investors. It all depends on the stage, for example, not everyone is ready to start fundraising, although everyone can start making the right contacts. We will make warm introductions when possible, the rest is up to individual level of founders’ hustle! From our experience founders come back with lots of new ideas, more refined vision and great contacts. Most importantly, they come to embrace the SV way of doing things, a culture which is different from what we have in Europe.

Which investors have you worked with in the past?

We have made several co-investments with VC funds and angel investors based in the Valley. For example, with UXPin two rounds of funding, or investments that were made via our AngelList syndicate. Besides, Piotr Wilam, our managing director, regularly goes to SV and each trip brings new valuable contacts. Google has also offered to help with introductions.

The Growth Accelerator will run from January to mid-March of 2016. More information is available here.  I want to thank Adam and the rest of Innovation Nest for their time.
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Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Polish startup community will beat for charity


Bitspiration4Charity – Polish startup community unites to help kids beat cancer!
December 16th – remember the date! Startup representatives will meet on four parallel events in four Polish cities with most developed startup scenes – Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan and Gdansk. They’ll share one big idea – combining education with charity. This event is the first of this kind in Europe.
On December 16th startups, entrepreneurs, investors, media and new technology enthusiasts will meet in four different cities at the same time to spread the big-hearted idea of helping children who fight cancer.
Bitspiration4Charity is the biggest gathering of the startup community in Poland that makes use of its vast potential for a noble purpose. The event combines sharing knowledge with supporting local hospitals and cancer treatment centres for children. That’s why all the ticket fees will be solely donated to those facilities in Krakow, Warsaw, Poznan and Gdansk!
Why it is worth to join the event
  • When you’re happy to get a lucrative contract – they’re happy to see their mom once again.
  • When you’re sad about a project that failed – they’re sad about not visiting their homes for months.
  • When you’re uncertain where to invest money – they’re uncertain of what the doc will say this time.
Opportunity to help children who fight for their future is the main purpose and the most important benefit of Bitspiration4Charity. Besides the charity aspect, it is also a chance to attend the biggest startup event in Poland, uniting the whole polish technological community.

Everyone that joins Bitspiration4Charity will have the opportunity to participate in creative workshops and inspiring lectures led by the best, world-renowned experts and mentors. Attendees will expand their knowledge and practical skills, meet the speakers, specialists and journalists in person and make valuable business contacts. PROIDEA, the organiser of well-known Bitspiration Festival, is responsible for the substantive value of the event.
The event will end with a magnificent after party for all attendees, celebrating the contribution to the charitable idea of helping children with cancer. All the money collected during the event will be transferred into bank accounts of hospitals and cancer treatment centres in cities above.
Let’s beat together for charity!
More information can be found on Bitspiration4Charity website and Facebook page.
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This is a repost of an article that appeared on on October, 30 2015