33entrepreneurs, a French startup accelerator, is heading to Poland looking for local talent- particularly those specializing in three pillars of French pride: wine, food and tourism. The search culminates at the UX Conference Warsaw on Monday, April 20th, with a fast and furious pitch contest. Winners of the 33entrepreneurs prize, as selected by an expert jury, will have access to a prize pool of over 250,000€. This includes a one week of free coaching in Bordeaux, valued at 10,000€, travel expenses and three years free access to Microsoft Software.
In search for digital and tech innovation in promising markets, the 33entrepreneurs team has traveled all across Europe for a year to meet with key startup ecosystem actors. Their series of startup pitch contests aims to find and support startups that want to grow internationally, along with building important partnership with other accelerators like H-Farm Ventures (Italy), Lisbon Challenge and BGI in Portugal, the Global Accelerator Network and Techstars (USA).
33entrepreneurs Founder and CEO, Vincent Prêtet, has an eye for a specific type of startup the team will be looking for in Poland.
“We are looking for Tech oriented StartUps that push forward game changing products or services in the wine, food and tourism industries. Entrepreneurs, we believe that success mainly relies on the quality of the team — its members' competences, complementarity and ability to create great relationships,” says Prêtet “We are seeking startups that solve real customer pain points and have a profound impact on their market. We want to be part of each adventure from the very beginning.”
Teams that apply to pitch in 33entrepreneurs’ pitch contests are also considered for the three-month Accelerator Program. Based in Bordeaux, the Program leads with a great place to work, at La Bourse Maritime in the very heart of Bordeaux. Alongside this is competitive pre seed-investments and help for settling during the program (15,000€ for less than 4% equity), highly skilled mentors and an Accelerator Program that has proven its efficiency. At the conclusion of each ‘cuvee’, 33entrepreneurs may then reinvest up to 200,000€ into the most promising teams.
Polish startups looking to apply to pitch may do so through the 33entrepreneurs webpage (http://www.33entrepreneurs.net/event.php?event_id=27).
For further information about the contest, or 33entrepreneurs, please contact Sarah Phillips. (sarah@33entrepreneurs.co)
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