Thursday, July 31, 2014

Join Pioneers and meet the whole startup world!

Paul Chen

I recently organized Pioneers Unplugged Krakow.  It was an amazing experience. They are busy organizing one of the major Startup Festivals in the world.  You can still get in.  All you will have to do is to apply your startup to the Festival.

From the Pioneers website:

What is Pioneers all about?

Pioneers is all about pioneers.

Fair enough. For us a pioneer is somebody who
  • pushes the borders of what is possible, somebody who
  • has a vision for our future and most important of all someone who
  • uses the power of technology, science and entrepreneurship
  • to improve our daily lives.
And what are you doing again?

In short: Inspire. Connect. Empower.

HERE'S THE THING: Never before has there been such easy access to so much valuable information. Never has there been so much technological potential and knowledge to tackle our greatest challenges (as well as our daily pains.) Growing up we’re very often told that as an individual you cannot impact the world. In schools we’re trained to fit into a certain box.

Truth is you only need
  • an idea,
  • you need some courage and
  • have to meet a few people alongside the way, and you can define your own boxes.
And believe us we can’t stand the thought that a great idea is getting lost. That’s why we help to create successful startups. We make sure that great ideas get great presentation. We showcase what’s happening on the edge of technological entrepreneurship.

And foremost of all we bring together a community of over 20,000 entrepreneurial shapers to make sure that a pioneer’s vision comes across the right people to become reality.

And how are you doing it?

With Pioneers Unplugged we’re already active in over 40 major European cities. And this year we’re going global and will be present on all five continents.

At our years’ peak – the Pioneers Festival in Hofburg Imperial Palace in Vienna we gather 2,500 of the brightest minds from all tech industries. Startups, hackers, corporates, VCs and innovators from all over the world meet to inspire, be inspired, connect and be connected.

Or in fact lots of them. The goal is to present our tech- and sciencepreneurs as successfully as a piano playing cat collects hits on Youtube and for that we’re not afraid to use some smoke and mirrors and a great show – as long as there is an even greater idea behind it.

WE'RE OPEN 24/7.
With Pioneers Discover we set out aside from our community events to connect startups with companies and accelerators to innovate and co-create to help them find the support they need.

The Pioneers Startup Programs are now complete and we are moving in on our final deadline 

for all applications. Join us and meet the whole startup world!

Apply now >>

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23 If you haven’t done it already, please like my fan page by clicking here See you next time!

A (Road) Trip Through Poland’s Startup Scene

Or, Non-Native Opinions on the Polish Startup Community: Part I of III

Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: a marketing strategist, a developer evangelist, a calling service founder, a CEO of an interpretation app and a serial entrepreneur go on a road trip together…

It sounds like the start of a joke from the show “Silicon Valley”, but it’s exactly what happened when Lisa Lang of 
Twilio decided to invite a few European (and one American) startup founders and developers, all of whom use Twilio in their companies, to take a five-day road trip from Berlin to three Polish cities: Poznań, Warsaw and Krakow.

It was in the last city and on the last day that I met up with the group, just as their trip was coming to an end and they were enjoying a final dinner in Poland, to get their thoughts and impressions on the Polish startup community.

The merry band included Lisa Lang, who is the European Marketing Strategist at Twilio and the one who put the whole excursion together; Tony Blank, the Developer Evangelist, an app for syncing email data; Jonas Huckestein, CEO and founder of HipDial, a conference calling service built on Twilio’s API; Josef Dunne, the CEO and co-founder ofBabelverse, a simultaneous interpretation app and winner of last year’s European Twilio Fund, and their Polish guide, Maciek Laskus, the CEO and co-founder of Startup Safary andTash (along with half a dozen other startups). We were also joined by Gustavo Bessone, the co-founder and CEO of, who happened to “crash” the road trip and join the group in Warsaw and Krakow.

Throughout the road trip the group met with Polish startup teams, developers, entrepreneurs and VCs as they took part in such events as Hive61 in Poznań and an Open Round Table in Krakow’s Hub:raum. I asked the group what their thoughts were on Poland, both before and after this trip, and what they had learned about the local startup communities here.
Tony Blank: This way my first time coming here. I knew that Poland was a good place to get outsource engineering work, but I was not aware of a couple of things that I learned on this trip, which was the talent of the engineering and the drive of the startups.

Before I came here I didn’t know of any startups that came from Poland.

I knew a couple of agencies and I knew of some startups in the States that got outsource work here. The thing that I learned throughout the tour – I met so many people that have the drive and the ability to really innovate and build stuff, and that’s different from my previous perception of just [Poland being a place for] outsource engineering.

Josef Dunne: I came here in May 2013 for just two days, and I was only in Warsaw, but my impression is that the post-communist era is probably coming to an end right now, in terms of mentality. I think there is something that is about to be unleashed here, and there is a lot of passion and a lot of people who want to do things for themselves. They do get stuck up on trust issues and things like that, but I think that Poland is going to be unleashed on the world very soon.

In the next three or four years, this is going to be a hotbed of the ecosystem in Eastern Europe. My impression is that things are looking very positive for Poland right now. The recipe is there.

Tony Blank: That’s right. Today we went to Hub:raum, we went to Base CRM and we went to Estimote – and I think those are a couple of startups that are trying to break out, and they’re going to be role models for other Polish startups. I think they’re going to inspire the local community, [convince them] that they really can do it and there are no roadblocks in their way. And I think in the next year there’s going to be one or two more, and in two years there will be five or six…

Josef Dunne: When Lisa brought us on this trip, I’d never met Jonas and I’d never met Tony – Lisa found us independently from different parts of the world and we all had a story to tell of our own journey, and I think we were here just to tell our stories and really show that failure is OK, that trial and error is OK. I lived my life through failing and trial and error; I broke many things.
What I’ve found is that Polish people are quite reserved. On this trip we had a few emails from our journey sent to us afterwards and you find that the most quiet person in the room will write a really long email to you and will tell you really positive things, but it all happens behind closed doors.

Tony Blank: One of the points that I made when I spoke at a couple of the workshops and meetups that we did was a story of a startup that completely failed, and I got comments both in Poznań and in Warsaw that I was crazy for talking about failure in a public setting. And I said no, this is a thing that you need to do, because you learn a lot more from failure than you learn from success.

If you succeed, you don’t really know why – maybe it was the team, maybe it was the product, maybe it was the timing – you don’t really know exactly why you succeeded necessarily. But from failure, you have the advantage of hindsight, so you know all the variables and you can learn a lot more from that.

So the act of talking about failure is a cultural thing that I think will be a lot more common in the next couple of years as there are more startups that succeed or fail and people move to different projects.

Bitspiration: Tony and Josef are from the U.S. and the UK, so it’s understandable that they hadn’t heard much about Poland. Jonas, you’re a lot closer over in Germany – were your initial impressions of Poland any different?

Jonas Huckestein: Not really. I basically had no expectations whatsoever. In fact, I like going to different countries and seeing how the tech scene develops, and I had zero insight into Poland before.

I think the two most interesting observations I made were that, first, in Poland there are a lot of great engineers and there is a lot of engineering talent. We saw this yesterday at the hackathon, where the results were really, really good. But I think there is a problem in that engineers aren’t considered, and don’t consider themselves, to be mission-critical to success. There’s not really an engineering culture from what I could see. Often, engineers are the resources that entrepreneurs use to become successful, and they don’t make the greatest salary. Even if they make a good salary for Polish standards, they aren’t compensated according to the value they deliver, and they aren’t considered to be good co-founders.
Yesterday we saw this in the presentations, where there was not a single engineer that struck me as very confident when they were presenting to a group of people. This is the polar opposite of what you now have in San Francisco or Berlin, where it almost sways in the other direction.

You have this whole rock star, ninja crap, where even though you dropped out of school, companies throw so much money at you that you think you’re the best.
Still, I think it’s very notable, and I wish the engineers would consider themselves to be more important.

The other thing that I thought was really interesting, was that yesterday I was talking to Jakub [Krzych] from Estimote – which, by the way, I had heard of the company but I wasn’t aware that it was from Poland at all, and I don’t think they want to be known as the company from Poland – and yet what they did with putting their entire team here seemed very smart. They have a very lean operation, and they can combine their software engineering team and their headquarters and their entire management team together with the hardware engineering. [Jakub] said that if they wanted to make custom hardware for some kind of end-to-end integration of their technology, they could do it with a one-week turnaround, and other companies have to fly to Shenzhen for that.

Poland has the hybrid of things that require cheap labor but also has enough high tech talent available.

I think there’s something there for companies that need to leverage a labor force but also need to be high tech companies.

Bitspiration: Maciek, what is your view of all of this as someone at this table who is from Poland, but who has also lived abroad?

Maciek Laskus: For me it was super interesting to see how Poland has changed in these last two years since I moved. Two years ago, when I was moving to Berlin, I actually wrote this blog post about Poland being ready to hit the big time. Back then I saw companies like Estimote just about to go abroad, or Base starting to grow very fast. More and more companies with all of this engineering and tech talent were slowly learning how to build global companies or slowly acquiring the first investors from abroad.

Now, it is actually happening, and I’m very optimistic about the future, of especially Krakow’s startup scene, because it seems like the ecosystem is finally blossoming. All of the pieces of the puzzle are slowly falling into place. I think more and more companies are going to become global players.

Another observation I made in the last couple of days is that slowly we’re breaking off from this very poisonous ecosystem in which there was no healthy capital. I strongly believe that EU money poisoned the Polish startup ecosystem for many years, because there was so much capital available on the market, and yet this capital wasn’t really fit for building companies. You can’t really build a successful startup with money that you have to plan ahead for six or twelve months prior to actually executing the idea, and then if you want to change something you have to write a long document to a government institution so that they can allow you to change your concept. And yet, most entrepreneurs would use this European money as a benchmark for investment, so the end result was that we didn’t have any real institutional funding here, because there was no space for VC funding to emerge.

I think that’s slowly changing, where the EU money is either drying up or shifting to different programs that are less harmful. At the same time, real VC funds and real investors are emerging and finally we have some smart capital available. You can already see the results of this, because even a couple of years back we had most of the interesting startups coming out of software houses and agencies whose owners would bootstrap their products while providing their services. Now we finally have a solution in the market where good software houses start to grow their operations and focus on being a software house, and at the same time, founders that want to build products can just focus on building products. They don’t have to run a software house on the side, they can raise money from investors and focus on their product.
I think the next couple of years are going to be exciting in Poland, and Krakow especially seems to have a very optimistic future ahead of itself.

On that optimistic note, we end part one of our three-part interview with the Twilio road trip team. Stay tuned throughout August for the continuation, where you’ll hear from Lisa and Gustavo as well, and be sure to follow the #TwilioPL hashtag and read the Silicon Allee blog for the team members’ individual impressions of their trip.

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23 If you haven’t done it already, please like my fan page by clicking here See you next time!

This is a repost of an article that appeared on on July 30, 2014

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The one thing that CEE businesses don’t get that North American and British Businesses excel at

By Paul Chen

User experience (UX) and Customer relations Management (CRM) are  really hot fields of expertise these days.  UX developers even earn more than web developers.  And Base CRM is one of the more successful startups based in Krakow, raising over $10 million in their last rounds.  With the amount of similar apps, software, and hardware out there, making the experience for a user as pleasant and logical is more important than ever.  Good UX and CRM will keep your users loyal and it will make them into an advocate for the use of your product or service.  And being able to anticipate what the customer wants or needs is one of the holy grails of the business world.  Word of mouth is always stronger than watching an advert.  And because it is a friendly recommendation, you are more likely to trust it from the start.  As a result, you save on customer acquisition costs.  And to get to the point that the customer will trust and like your product to that “I like it because my friends like it” level can be quite hard and expensive.  Therefore, as a product or service developer you would want the experience to be as pleasant as possible.  Most companies hire people with psychology, cognitive science, and IT degrees.   

Many businesses be it SME’s or national chains in the CEE region are doing UX and CRM with their services and products very well.  However, I would argue that they will never reach the scale of a business with a slightly lower quality offer from North America or Britain.  The one simple thing is that these users or customers are human beings.  And humans have a whole range of emotions and many times those emotions will override their sense of need or want.  If you make me angry I will just take my business elsewhere.  These are concepts that are part of every western customers psyche.  This concept is something that is still missing from the business environment in the CEE region.  I was talking to a sales manager of a software firm in the Czech Republic a while back, and I was asking him how he approaches his clients.  What he told me is that he just cares about what the client needs and how it would improve his bottom line.  I was trying to tell him that humanizing the customer and making the customer feel that you care about him or her would increase the likelihood of success of closing the deal.  He just wasn’t understanding it. 

Historical Background

You probably seen the old pictures of people standing in long lines during communism just to get regular things like bread, fruit, and soap.  You also probably seen pictures of empty shelves in stores as well.  Back during communism the allocation of resources and goods just wasn’t as efficient or customer oriented as they are today.  People were put on waiting lists for a Trabant, an East German car.  There is a popular board game in Poland called Kolejka which translates a line to get something.  It reminds Polish people how tough it was back then.  As a result, the shop keeper feels a tremendous amount of power.  Kind of like the Soup Nazi from Seinfeld.  If you make the keeper angry, “no soup for you!”

The store keeper becomes a sort of decider of whether you get to have the good or not, and if you are nice to her, she might let you in on future shipments.  Consequently, they can be as rude or unpleasant as they want and you can’t do anything about it.

Jumping back to 2014.  Today many of the same shopkeepers still work at these shops, but the thing is that the situation has changed but the mentality hasn’t.  Now, there are plenty of stores with continuously full inventories to choose from.  If you don’t like the service from one place, you go to the other.  The concept of service with a smile is quite alien to them.  I will hold out my hand to get change but the cashier will insist on throwing the change on these silly trays making it hard to take my change back.  Do I have cooties?  The Soup Nazi is funny because he is contrary to how service industry personnel behaves in the West.  However, in Krakow it is the norm.  This phenomenon is not only specific to Poland but in the Czech Republic and Hungary as well.  The thing that makes me sad is that the young employees are learning these bad habits as well. 

For example, I was walking with a big group of about 20 startup colleagues looking for a place to eat.  Granted it is a bit late in the evening.  With me were successful business people with a lot of money and influence.  Will not drop names but if they read this post they will know who they are.  So we were turned town restaurant after restaurant because they were closing shortly.  It felt like Joseph and Mary looking for an inn.  In the West, this would be unheard of.  As long as there are customers, the restaurant or business would stay open.  You don’t kick out your customers even if it is after closing.  You want to make sure your customers are happy with the shopping and dining experience.  The point is that had the restaurant stayed open just an hour more to serve us, it would have earned enough profit to cover the next day at least.  Plus the staff would have been tipped quite well, probably doubled their intake that day.   However, ‘the customer is here for us’ mentality allowed an awesome earning opportunity to slip through their hands. 


I understand how hard it is to work in the service industry.   I helped my family run a successful motel by the shores of New Jersey and I have worked as a waiter as well as a supermarket cashier in the past.  Some customers can be really unpleasant.   However, as my father always said, ”Customer is king.” 

Part of the reason for the worker apathy is that the wages are not very high.  So there aren’t any incentive to smile or enjoy their work.  Another reason is that in the CEE region, people are not taught to feel responsible for their actions.   Because you are punished greatly for your mistakes, people feel the less I do, the less trouble I will have.  It is almost more preferable to be, ‘just another brick in the wall. 

People complain why are we not living at the levels of our Western counterparts.  Or why hasn’t Poland had a big success yet.  I would offer that a lot of it has to do with what goes on in your heads.  No matter how great your product or service is, you will never close the deal or make the sale if your customer is annoyed.  One of my American friends joked the other night that he was going to create a really disruptive startup here in Krakow and it is called… wait for it…. Service.   

Why should the CEE especially Poland care? 

With the rise of the Chinese middle class there are all of a sudden a large amount of rich people wanting to leave China and travel.  A large part of them would like to travel to Europe.  Now places like London and Paris have already established a strong brand so they have no problems getting tourists.  Germany has good beer and tons of composers of classical music as well as Karl Marx.  Austria and Swtizerland have the Alps.  Budapest has always had good relations to the Chinese community living there so they are good.  In China, Prague has also built quite a following.  You ask any Chinese person about Poland….. you will get mostly shoulder shrugs.  Based on what I, as an Asian have experienced thus far, the future does not bode well.  So Poland has to level up their customer service game big time.   Treating them well is important especially now.   You have a clean slate to start making wonderful impressions.  You might want to make getting a Visa easy for them as well.   You want to create a really good atmosphere and make sure they have fun.  An insider’s tip, a good friend’s recommendation is worth way more in China than in the west.  So the question Poland has to ask itself is, do you want to have a piece of the over $100 billion Chinese tourism pie or are you simply too busy and want to close up shop because it is getting late?

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23 If you haven’t done it already, please like my fan page by clicking here See you next time!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

What a Difference 70 Years Makes

Hello readers,

70 years ago this week, in the midst of a Nazi Occupation, the citizens of Warsaw decided to make a break for it and started an uprising.  As futile as the initiative was, it was a symbol of heroism and bravery that showed the world what Polish people are capable of when their backs are against the wall.  Such heroics would not bear fruit until 1989.  If you ever are in Warsaw, I strongly recommend the Warsaw Uprising Museum.   And at 5pm every August 1st, all activity stops for one minute in the city to give recognition to those brave patriots.  After the devastation where by 1945, the Nazis destroyed over 80% of the city, Warsaw today is telling a different story.  It is a vibrant city with skyscrapers and a developing startup community.  I had a chance to go up to Warsaw, Poland’s national capital, last week. And I did some exploring for the startup community up there.  And the following is a report of what I found.
                There has been an on-going rivalry between Krakow and Warsaw going back to when the capital of the kingdom was moved to Warsaw in 1569.  Before that the seat of the government was in Krakow.  However, Krakow remains the cultural capital of the country.  There might be an intra-city hatred between the two football clubs in Krakow.  They can, however, agree on one thing, Legia from Warsaw is evil. 

A couple of differences

There are a number of differences between the startup communities of the two cities.  In Krakow, most of the startups, incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces are located within walking distances of each other, in Warsaw they are scattered throughout the city.  In Krakow, the startups have many meetups and people form the different startups socialize with one another for fun, the startups in Warsaw remain more to themselves.   And geographically, Warsaw is quite a bit bigger than Krakow.  Of course, since Warsaw is the capital, the infrastructure is more developed and focus of the Polish government tends to be there.  Krakowians tends to have a more little brother’s mentality towards Warsaw. 

Reaktor, founded in 2011 by Borys Musielak, Anna Walkowska, and Wiktor Schmidt,  is a place for Warsaw-based startups and freelancers to work, collaborate and network. The unique creative atmosphere of Reaktor is what brought startups and freelancers to join the venue in the first place. You get a 24/7/356 desk, super-fast internet (provided by Ciscoand ATMAN) and a breeze of creative atmosphere to make sure you are as efficient as it gets!
Some other perks include:
On monthly OpenReaktor events they open up Reaktor inviting interesting speakers and gathering the whole Warsaw startup scene in one place to network.  I liked the space.  I like how people from different resident startups are so friendly with each other and even eat together.  However, I believe some renovation could help spruce up the place. 

One of the resident of Reaktor is Radgost is a web lab that develops SaaS solutions like:

Among their thousands of customers are: Microsoft,, Onet, Pepsi, and Carrefour

I met the founder of Intelclinic, Kamil Adamczyk at Bitspiration a few weeks ago.  He invited me to visit their new place when I am in Warsaw.  Kamil just received his degree from the Warsaw Medical University.  Intelclinic has just finished their Kickstarter campaign where they raised close to half a million dollars.  They just moved into their new officies in north Warsaw.  They have a sleep lab on-site.  They are the developers of the NeuroOn sleeping mask.  This mask is set to revolutionize the way you sleep.  With sensors on the mask, it will monitor your sleeping cycles and help you maximize the effectiveness of your rest.  It will use some gentle bits of light to help regulate the release of Melatonin as you sleep.  The mask can be used by people with certain sleeping disorders or simply people who could suffer from jet lag.  Kamil recommends that the mask be used during the whole journey and when you return as well.  At the moment, they would like to release the mask to the mass market.  Clinical trials is set to go underway at a major medical center in the US.  They hope to make the mask a medical device in the future.

Polish fashion labels have already gone global.  Misbehave is a Warsaw based fashion label that can be found on Rhianna, Ellie Goulding, and Azealia Banks.  They are the ones that helped to make the simple black and white block lettered athletic wear, tshirts, and sweatshirts all the rage among the trendy these days.   Showroom would like to push it even further.  They are located in an old factory in downtown Warsaw.  They are a hub which would like to provide many starting Polish fashion designers exposure to the local market, sort of like an Etsy.  Recently, along with partnerships with some German periodicals, would like to make that exposure globally.   They curate their offerings based on current trends in fashion.  They have a requirement that all pieces of clothing and accessory must be designed and manufactured in Poland.   When you order from Showroom, you are getting the merchandise directly from the designer.

This is an organization for scientists, technicians, IT specialists, and students who has great ideas or results from their scientific works from Warsaw Polytechnics.  Their goal is to help prepare these ideas and projects for the mass market.  They want to connect the founders to the marketplace and funders.  The institute will help with some of the legal issues such as copyright and patenting.  Currently, they are making contacts with investors and other business leaders.   

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23 If you haven’t done it already, please like my fan page by clicking here See you next time!

Sunstone Capital Backs Beacon Platform To The Tune Of $2 Million


“Bluetooth Low Energy and iBeacon are the building blocks of the next wave of computing,” says Max Niederhofer of the micro-location technology that lets your smartphone trigger events based on how close you are to a Beacon transmitter. “It’s a cliché, but the possibilities are endless.”
If he sounds bullish, that’s because Niederhofer’s VC firm, Sunstone Capital, has just closed a $2 million investment in, a Polish startup that offers its own Beacon platform, including the supply and customisation of Beacon hardware, underpinned by an open API and SDKs for iOS and Android.
The Kraków-based company, which counts Y Combinator alumni Estimote as a competitor, already boasts big-name customers such as Google, Facebook, Apple and Siemens, and says it plans to use the new capital to accelerate international expansion and evolve its product line.
“We think this is a rapidly growing, potentially very large market with high margins, in which you can build a really meaningful business,” says Niederhofer, citing a recent ABI Research report that estimates within 5 years we’ll see shipments of dedicated Beacon hardwarereach over 60 million. “To some extent I see this as an infrastructure build-out play, where Beacons are the routers and pipes of a new network infrastructure on which we’ll see some very interesting applications.”

With the technology still pretty nascent, however, and despite Apple throwing its might behind the concept, what Beacon’s ‘killer’ application will be is still open to debate. Retail is thought to be just the start — with Beacon transmitters enabling an app on your phone to detect when you enter a retail store or spend time in close proximity to a particular product and showing you relevant offers, for example. However, Niederhofer says other applications include security, home and office automation, care of patients, children and the elderly, asset and warehouse management, and indoor navigation.
In fact,‘s founders — Tomasz Kozminski, Tomasz KolekRafal Janicki and Szymon Niemczura — first set out to build an indoor navigation system for the blind, only to realise that Beacon technology could solve this problem and many others.
“Many deployments are still at proof-of-concept stage, but we have seen some phenomenal initial results,” says Niederhofer. “From a VC perspective, this is a bit like Cisco in the late 80s. We’re building the hardware and software that is the backbone of the new network.”
Furthermore, he argues that anyone making a mobile app that has some relevance to the offline world should either be contemplating building their own Beacon infrastructure or piggy-backing off someone else’s.
To that end, Niederhofer doesn’t rule out further Beacon-focused investments. “I do believe that killer apps for specific use cases will emerge,” he says. “But I’m keen to invest in the Google, not the Altavista. So we’re going to take our time and let the entrepreneurs figure out what works and what doesn’t. I don’t think it’s the last investment with a Beacon angle that Sunstone Capital will do in the next year or two.”

Thank you for reading another one of my posts done just for you!  If you liked what you read please share it by using one of the buttons up top and check out other posts in this blog.  I don’t want you to miss out on future posts so please follow me on Twitter @Eurodude23 If you haven’t done it already, please like my fan page by clicking here See you next time!
This is a repost of a article that appeared on on July 28, 2014