By: Paul Chen
Pioneers Unplugged is an evening full of tech talks and networking with entrepreneurs, coders, builders and other troublemakers.
hub:raum Krakow
Przemysłowa Street 1230-701 Krakow
Monday, May 26, 2014 from 6:00 PM to 10:00 PM (CEST)
Tickets available here.(Eventbrite link)
Follow the announcements on the Facebook Page.
At the 1st edition of Unplugged in Krakow you can get inspired and learn from:
- Giancarlo Maniaci, Founder of Browse Labs (USA) --> how to go beyond fund raising,
- Michal Nydrle, Founder of Kindred Group (CZ) --> how to maximize the use of digital media
- Pawel Jarmolkowicz, Founder of Harimata (PL) --> Singularity University: Lessons Learned
- Henrik Schmidt, soft skills trainer (DE) --> the surprising small thing standing between making the sale and failure
A surprise guest brings a disruptive piece of tech
Plus food and drinks
A little Extra: Get a chance to win a free ticket to the Pioneers Festival 2014! Tweet us at the event between 18:00 - 19:30 why we should give YOU a free pass at #unplugme
The Central European Startup Awards has thrown in 2 tickets to be won at the event! Rules are simple. Tweet using #cesawards during the event and the 2 tweets with the most RT's wins them! The Awards takes place in Budapest at the end of the month.
Thank you to our sponsors: